Inline Technologies is the Equipment manufacturing division of Kruckeberg Corporation, founded in 1977. The company's first screen printing shop was set up in a 500 square foot room. The screen printing business took off, and in 1979 the company moved into a 1,500 square foot storefront. In 1986 the company again expanded into a 3,000 square foot screen-printing and retail store. The company's athletic business continued to grow and athletic numbering became a big part of that growth. The owners were not satisfied with the existing numbering machines on the market at the time so they decided to design their own. Through word of mouth we found ourselves in the manufacturing business. Inline Technologies sold their first numbering machine in 1994. The company continued to grow both in domestic and over seas sales and in 1997 Inline Technologies moved into a 26,000 square foot building. To take advantage of the ever-growing athletic market the company added a contract printing division in 2001. The contract printing division works with both large athletic companies and with sporting goods stores throughout the United States. With new ideas on the drawing board, Inline Technologies continues to give our customers the best numbering system available. By combining our over 30 years of screen printing experience and our determination to stay on the leading edge of athletic numbering, Inline Technologies has become the leader in the athletic numbering industry.
Inline Technologies
3225 Commerce Amarillo, Texas 79109
(800)765-7609 |